Deck the Halls- Friday 1st December
Dear Parents/ Carers,
As previously advertised on Headlines and the annual planner, we are really looking forward to welcoming you into school for the traditional Deck the Halls event on Friday 1st December.
Doors will open at 1.30pm and the event will finish at 2.45-3pm.
The theme of this year’s event is ‘The Holy and the Ivy’. We look forward to you working with your children during the afternoon as we start to prepare our school for the Christmas season.
If you have multiple children in school, as in previous years, please divide your time between their classes as we are unable to mix them. If you are unable to make the event, don’t worry, we will make sure that your child is supported well.
There will be mince pies and carols to start the festive season.
We look forward to seeing you next Friday.
Mr S